Saturday, May 28, 2016

Frontlines :: May, 2016 :: Recalibrate :: Nathan & Dawn Pietsch

By: Nathan D. Pietsch

I feel the Lord has been speaking to me a lot about the need to "recalibrate." I believe this is a word not only for me personally, but for all people. The word recalibrate simply means, "to calibrate something again or differently." I believe the Lord is saying the body of Christ needs to carefully consider how we are living, and the plans we are making. I really believe there is a major shift getting ready to take place. We need to recalibrate ourselves with the Lord to make sure we are in the correct place and alignment He has for us.

I have found that many people are simply "going through the motions" of life. They are involved in "this or that", but don't really know why they are doing what they are doing. Now is the time to recalibrate ourselves with the will of the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit to make sure we are really doing what They have called us to do.

A classic example in the Bible of somebody who needed to recalibrate their lives was Judas Iscariot. Judas was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. Judas regularly saw Jesus perform miracle after miracle. However, Judas didn't believe in Jesus. Judas eventually betrayed Jesus to death, and then went and hung himself (Matthew 27:5).

I encourage you to set some time aside and connect with the Lord. Ask Him if there are any areas in your life that needs to be recalibrated.

God Has You Covered!

By Dawn R. Pietsch

God, You are our rock, and there is no other!

The Lord is our strong fortress... When we press into the Lord and trust Him with all of our heart, He is faithful...

The Bible says in Proverbs 3:3-5, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

You are to lean not on your own understandings, but press into Him, as He knows all things concerning you. He is the One who will direct your paths, no more striving, no trying to figure it all out, He has you covered.