By Nathan D. Pietsch
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Miracles in Spokane
By Nathan D. Pietsch
Check out our Photo Gallery from August, 2023.
Note: The following testimonies and photos are for the Glory of God and His Goodness. It is wonderful to partner with the Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to help people move from dark to light, bondage to freedom, and struggle to destiny.
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During the month of August, I stayed nine days in Spokane, WA. I preached seven times at multiple venues. The Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way. The first miracle occurred when we prayed for a woman in her seventies. She had injured her arm and hand. It was so painful she wanted to drive home. We prayed, and all the pain left her arm. She stayed for the entire event and testified of her healing.
Another woman in the audience was in constant back and neck pain. She told us she fell down stairs some years ago and broke her back and neck. She was previously in a wheelchair, but the Lord had been healing her. She was able to walk, but suffered with great pain. During the service, I prayed for her. She testified and said, “I saw something like a snake leave my spine and neck. I don’t hurt any more. I know a spirit of infirmity left.”
During a food bank outreach I prayed for a woman in her forties. While I prayed, her eyes rolled back into her head and she began to shake violently. It looked like an epileptic seizure, but it was a demon leaving her body. Twenty years prior she had lived a very dark lifestyle. Jesus set her free and she left with a radiant smile. I also prayed for a man in his fifties at the outreach and a very similar occurrence happened to him as well.
God is moving powerfully upon the earth today. I encourage you to step out in boldness and begin to pray for people. The Lord is looking forward to moving through you.

Nathan shares a powerful message regarding Tim Sheets’ Reset Prophecy. Nathan analyzes portions of Tim’s prophetic word and then lays a solid Biblical explanation around Tim’s word.
At the end of the message, Nathan prays for you with Holy Spirit fire.