Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Frontline Chronicles :: October, 2021 :: Outpouring On the Marshallese People :: Nathan & Dawn Pietsch


By Nathan D. Pietsch

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Outpouring on the Marshallese People

By Nathan D. Pietsch

Check out our Photo Gallery from October, 2021.

Note: The following testimonies and photos are for the Glory of God and His Goodness. It is wonderful to partner with the Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to help people move from dark to light, bondage to freedom, and struggle to destiny.

 You can watch videos on our BattleAxeTV Youtube channel.

In the month of October, Dawn and I preached at a three day revival event in the city of Salem, Oregon. The meetings were held at a church where the people are originally from the Marshall Islands. These islands are located in the Pacific Ocean. They have since relocated to the United States. At the meetings we had Marshallese from Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Washington, and Oregon. 

What was so remarkable about this event was the hunger of those in attendance. It was not like a “normal” Sunday morning service one would expect at a church in the United States. These people were living Matthew 5:6. “Blessed are those who  hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”

The hunger expressed by the Marshallese community invoked the Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to respond. During the time of praise, worship, and adoration to the Lord, heaven opened and the presence of God entered. People began to weep and see visions of God (Joel 2:28-29). At other times, people received physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Dark forces holding individuals in bondage were also forced to leave in the name of Jesus.

The Lord is ready to invade earth worldwide. However, He is looking for a landing pad. It is up to us individually and corporately as a church to prepare a place for God to touch down. Open your hearts and let Him fill it.

You can watch video footage of the revival event by clicking here.