February, 2011 update from the mission field
February 28, 2011
February was a fabulous month for Dawn and I on the mission field. We are still east of the west coast, and loving it. Though, we miss the west.
God showed up wonderfully in a number of ways. Here is a brief list of some of the highlights from the month.
- Man received Jesus
- Man water baptized in Virginian river
- Woman delivered of satanic strongholds
- Prophetic words released
While Dawn and I were staying at a ministry for a conference, we got woken up at 3:30 AM by women upstairs screaming and creating a commotion. It was obvious by the sounds that a woman upstairs was manifesting demons. One lady was reading the Bible very loud, while another was trying to cast it out. The woman manifesting ( “Kathey” 22) was making all sorts of deep moans and groans.
After 30-minutes of this com

When we walked into the other building, Janice was praying for Kathey. They were both sitting at a table talking and praying. Kathey was no longer showing signs of needing deliverance. I was not intending to pray for Kathey unless I was specifically asked by Janice. I did not want to overstep any boundaries and create more of a mess. After a few minutes, Janice asked me to pray for Kathey.
While I was praying for her, God started revealing all sorts of past unconfessed sins. These sins resulted in a strong satanic stronghold. God was giving me specific and concise words of knowledge. I lead her through some renunciation and forgiveness of sin prayers. God began to deliver her right before our eyes.
Whether these were her own sins or generational sins, Kathey began to get delivered of: hard core drugs, group orgies, adultery, pornography, whips and shackles, bestiality, satanic movies and music, fear, hatred, and ungodly blood covenants through tattoos. We could see the satanic stronghold loosening over her life.
Kathey was having numerous violent manifestations, like wanting to vomit, and appearing to writhe in pain.. We took authority over the evil spirits. She got a lot of freedom in Christ Jesus.
Kathey does have an amazing ministry calling upon her life. That is why the devil had oppressed her so much. Many people who are heavily involved in witchcraft, drugs, and the occult have huge ministry callings. The enemy tries to steal people’s destinies. It is the believers in Jesus Christ who are called to set the captives free. May we not critically judges these people, but love them into God’s Kingdom.
For additional testimonies, check us out on Youtube, or our Blog, accessed at: www.allsufficientgod.org.
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