- Numerous people received Jesus as Savior
- Numerous baptisms in Holy Spirit—evidenced by speaking in tongues (See Acts 19:1-6.)
Easy Fishing
Dawn and I decided to hit the streets in south Richmond, Virginia to find God’s treasures. This place is so ripe for the glory of God. We will basically walk up to people, ask them if they need any prayer, and then lead them into the Kingdom. They will also get baptized in the Holy Spirit (see Matthew 3:11), and begin speaking in tongues.
The dominant cultural ethnicity in south Richmond is African-American. In this area, there is a lot of violence and drugs. However, none of that seems to matter. We will walk up to the most gnarly looking group of guys, and many of them will get saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit, if not all of them. God has a huge calling on the African-American community.
Tonight, we saw a group of four African-Americans sitting on the porch of their apartment. Dawn and I walked up to them and asked, “Hey, does anybody need any prayer?”
A woman named, Toequenna (30s) replied, “Ya, I do. I want a better job.” We prayed for her to get a better job.
I then asked her, “Would you like to rededicate your life to the Lord? Would you like to get a fresh start?” “Ya, I would,” Toequenna replied.
We then led her through the sinner’s prayer. She also got filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. We also prayed for another lady there, and encouraged her.
After a little while, we approached two African-American guys walking on the sidewalk. Again, we asked them, “Do you guys need any prayer tonight?”
“Ya, we do,” they replied. We began to pray for them, and prophesy forth their destinies. Both of them received Jesus into their hearts and got baptized in the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. They were so appreciative of us talking with them.
Our final encounter was with a man named, Aaron (20s). He previously got hit by a car and was confined in a wheel chair. He wasn’t paralyzed, but his leg was still injured enough he was unable to put any weight on it without extreme pain. We prayed for him, and asked how he felt.
Aaron said, “I don’t have any pain in my leg right now, it only hurts when I try to stand up. However, I feel really, really happy. I haven’t felt like this in a long time.”
We replied, “What you are experiencing is the Holy Spirit. He is pouring out His love on you.”
Dawn and I were able to speak words of encouragement over him, and call forth his God given destiny. He was very grateful to talk with us.
At the end he said, “What is really strange about all of this, is that I just felt compelled to come wheeling down the sidewalk. I had an urge to come out here.”
For additional testimonies, check us out on Youtube at:
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