We also had a unique opportunity to partner with a ministry that makes sea glass crosses. We actually got to find sea glass washed on the shores of the southern California beaches. We have included photos from the mission field. There is also a revelatory word centered around sea glass and how it might apply to you personally.
As full-time missionaries to the United States, we desire to stay true to the call we believe we have received. Our objectives as missionaries is to reach the lost on the streets and in the marketplace in the areas we travel. We accomplish this through power evangelism outreach. Our second objective is to train and equip other churches in power evangelism outreach. Our third objective is to conduct revival meetings and conferences.
Nathan and Dawn Pietsch
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All Sufficient God Church is a non-profit organization, which enables any contributions to qualify as tax-deductible.
Nathan and Dawn Pietsch are front line missionaries, and they need your prayers!
If you are led to join in prayer coverage or financial support for Nathan and Dawn, please visit www.allsufficientgod.org.

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