
Advancing the Kingdom
The summer month of July seemed to blaze by at an accelerated rate. Perhaps it was because of our intense ministry schedule. We had the opportunity to preach in churches and pray for people in personal prayer sessions. There are so many hurting people who need a touch from the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. It is such an honor for Dawn and I to be used in this capacity.If you did not know, Dawn and I are leaving the United States on August 1st for three months. We have been commissioned to help bring revival to Europe. We have been asked to help train, equip, and activate the church bodies in: deliverance, inner healing, and evangelism outreach. The people are hungry to learn more about who the Holy Spirit is, and the Biblical gifts He offers. (See 1 Corinthians 12 and 14.) They no longer want to "play church," but arise in true Kingdom power and authority to expel the darkness in their territories. We are very excited to help in all ways possible.
After our time in Europe, we are planning two intensive evangelism crusades in Kenya, Africa. We will be taking a ministry team along with us in early 2018. If you are interested in learning more about or going on the Kenya Mission Trip, please visit our website.
Despite everything negative that might be going on in the world, I believe it is the best time in history to be alive. I think we are on the brink of something huge. I highly encourage you to be about the Father's business (Luke 2:49). God bless you.
By Dawn R. Pietsch
It's Time to Arise

We are living in a time in which we need to Arise! If we are to Arise, we need the help of the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden things in our lives, issues that need to be removed, and things that might be holding us back from greater breakthrough. Ask the Lord about the hidden areas in your life, things that you are not aware of... We are jars of clay, or containers.
According to 2 Timothy 2:21, we are to be vessels for honor. "Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work." When we deal with our past issues, the doors get closed to those issues, and we are set free. Band aids don't work any longer, it's time to deal with our stuff! In Mark 1:15 the Bible says, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."
That Gospel is... the "Finished Work" of the Cross! Jesus paid for it All and there is nothing that He left out concerning us! When we do deliverance on people, it usually involves repenting and forgiving ourselves, and others... its part of the process of getting Free!!! So, ask yourself if there is anything that's holding you back, and then call on the Holy Spirit, since He is, The Spirit of Truth.
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