By Nathan D. Pietsch
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Enemy at the Gates
By Nathan D. Pietsch
Check out our Photo Gallery from April, 2022.
Note: The following testimonies and photos are for the Glory of God and His Goodness. It is wonderful to partner with the Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to help people move from dark to light, bondage to freedom, and struggle to destiny.
You can watch videos on our BattleAxeTV Youtube channel.
Is it possible there are enemies sitting at your spiritual gates or doors stealing your blessings, healings, provisions, miracles, and/or abundant life? The Bible seems to indicate there is a battle raging at your gates. In the Scriptures, gates are a place of significance. There are gates of heaven (Genesis 28:17, Revelation 21:21, gates of hell (Matthew 16:18), and gates of death (Psalm 9:13). Boaz also redeemed Ruth at the gates of his city (Ruth 4:1).
The Strong’s Concordance definition for, “Door” (G2374) is, “A portal, entrance, door, or gate.” In John 10:9 Jesus said, “I am the door (G2374). If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” This verse speaks not only of salvation (John 14:6), but also not lacking needed supplies.
God is desiring to remove the enemy at your gates, (Judges 5:8, Deuteronomy 28:52), strengthen the bars on your gates (Psalm 147:12-14), and open up the ancient gates (Psalm 24:7). As this happens, you will receive a new level of breakthrough.
Pray: Heavenly Father, please remove all enemies at my gates that might be stealing from me. Please strengthen the bars on my gates so the enemy cannot penetrate them. Please lift up the heads of the gates, and let the everlasting doors be lifted up so the King of glory can come in. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Contents of Video
OverflowFire: Enemy at the Gates (0:09)
EnthroneFire: I Go Where You Go (1:47)
PreachFire: Enemy at the Gates (39:07)
PowerPrayerFire: Remove the Enemy at Your Gates (1:10:44)
TestifyFire: Lauri (1:21:01)
PowerPrayerFire: Remove the Enemy at Your Gates (1:24:29)
DeliveranceFire Linda (1:26:08)
TestifyFire: Linda (1:26:44)
PowerPrayerFire: Remove the Enemy at Your Gates (1:27:59)
PowerPrayerFire: Remove the Enemy at Your Gates (1:31:11)
PowerPrayerFire: Remove the Enemy at Your Gates (1:34:53)
DeliveranceFire Toni (1:36:41)
TestifyFire: Toni (1:38:10)
PowerPrayerFire: Remove the Enemy at Your Gates (1:38:53)
DeliveranceFire: Heidi (1:46:35)
TestifyFire: Heidi (1:48:10)
DeliveranceFire: Kristin (1:54:20)
TestifyFire: Kristen (1:55:12)
TestifyFire: Sarah (1:56:35)
DeliveranceFire: Jamie (1:59:32)
PreachFire: Enemy at the Gates (2:02:15)
EnthroneFire: Open the Floodgates (2:12:06)
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