By Nathan D. Pietsch
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Healthy Fear
By Nathan D. Pietsch
Check out our Photo Gallery from May, 2022.
Note: The following testimonies and photos are for the Glory of God and His Goodness. It is wonderful to partner with the Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to help people move from dark to light, bondage to freedom, and struggle to destiny.
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The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:18c: …fear involves torment. However, there is a healthy fear. The fear I am speaking of is the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Proverbs 8:13a). In other words, it is the fear of the Lord that helps people avoid sinning and performing evil acts.
Jesus taught on the fear of God in Luke 12:4-5: “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!”
If a person has the fear of God, they will not want to perform actions contrary to God because of the consequences. In Deuteronomy 28, the Lord spoke through Moses saying curses would fall upon the children of Israel if they abandoned the instructions of God. Instead of being the head, they would be the tail to their enemies (Deuteronomy 28:44).
One way to bring about change personally, nationally, and globally is to pray for the Holy Spirit to release the fear of the Lord. This is one of the Seven Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2.) I also encourage you to do a Bible search on the Scriptures containing the words, “fear of the Lord.” God is desiring to bring reformation, but it is rooted in the healthy fear of God.

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