written by: Nathan D. Pietsch
When Dawn and I shut down our three businesses, and entered into full-time ministry, we had no idea what was in front of us. Being in full-time ministry has by far been our most rewarding "job," but also the most stretching.
Thankfully, July was extremely rewarding for us. It is always such a joy to help people step into their true God-given destinies. It is an honor to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and set at liberty those who are oppressed. (Luke 4:18-19.)
Dawn and I are currently and temporarily overseeing a Healing House connected with a large church in California. People from all over the world come to the Healing House in order to visit the church.
Dawn and I had the privilege to host a team of Norwegians at the Healing House. God is doing an amazing and powerful work in Scandinavia. God is training up and empowering His saints for a mighty move in Europe and beyond.
We were able to minister to, pray for, and prophecy over the Norwegian team. We were also able to activate the team to better hear the voice of God and prophecy over others. According to the Bible, one who prophesies should speak edification, exhortation, and comfort to people. (I Corinthians 14:3.) Being able to prophecy over another person can instantly pull them out of the dark, and into the Light.
Dawn and I have also been able to join the ministry team at the church we have connected with. This has resulted in us being able to pray for people from all over the world, and also with all sorts of various issues.

Another woman we were able to minister to was named, "Cathy." Cathy was in her thirties. Cathy had a tremendous amount of emotional trauma. When she was an infant, she was sexually molested by another woman. This resulted in a tremendous amount of shame, guilt, and fear. This also resulted in her struggling with a homosexual spirit.
Cathy was actually married to a man, but their relationship suffered a lot because of the childhood trauma. God showed up in a powerful way. God began to reveal to us very clear and specific words of knowledge on how to help Cathy become free. We were able to lead her through prayers of forgiveness and renunciations. After we were done ministering to her, her entire countenance had changed. She looked a lot younger, and her face seemed to radiate joy.
We want to encourage you to step out in boldness and tell somebody how much Jesus loves them. The person you tell may never be the same, nor will you.
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