Sunday, March 3, 2013

Died For Your Bliss

I AM Jesus, your sacrificial Lamb. (Revelation 5:6.) Why would I joyfully endure the cross and despise the shame? (Hebrews 12:2.) Why would I permit the humiliation of being struck, spat upon, and mocked? (Mark 15:19-20.) Why would I die for you? There were a number of reasons. However, the reason I want to emphasize to you now is: I died for your bliss! Do you understand this word? Bliss means, perfect happiness, or complete joy.

I laid down My life so you could have complete joy. I purchased perfect happiness for you on the cross. You have unlimited access to happiness and joy because of Me. You must understand this.

In Me, you never need to have a bad day again. You don't need to carry sadness, hopelessness, and depression. I already took your misery when I was hanging on the cross. I gave you My happiness and joy. What a great exchange for you! Are you receiving the fullness of My sacrifice? I really want you to.

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